El misterio de la canción de Automatic...

Se está diciendo por la red, que la letra del single Automatisch/Automatic publicado en Alemania, es muy diferente al de una fan que ha conseguido su copia hoy después, por Navidad ¿Qué letra será esta? ¿,se equivocaron al producir el producto, o en verdad es una nueva canción para el disco de Japón?.

Letra del single Automatic, publicado en Alemania

Letra del single Automatic tal y como la conocemos:

You're automatic
And your heart's like an engine
I die with every beat
You're automatic
And your voice is electric
Why do I still believe
It's automatic

Every word in your letter
A lie that makes me bleed
It's automatic
When you say things get better
But they never

There's no real love in you
There's no real love in you
There's no real love in you
Why do I keep lovin' you

Feels automatic

Countin' cars on a crossroad
They come and go like you
Feels automatic
Watchin' faces
Don't know
Erase the face of you
It's automatic
So traumatic
You're automatic

There's no real love in you
There's no real love in you
There's no real love in you
Why do I keep lovin' you

Automatic – Automatic

Each step you make
Each breath you take
Your heart – you soul
Remote controlled
This life feels so sick
You're automatic to me

There's no real love in you
Why do I keep lovin' you

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